Marketplace Logins

Configuring marketplaces

Click on the "Configure" button and enter your username and password.

Setting up Gametime

Gametime can be a little tricky. Be sure to follow the directions to ensure the correct username and password.

Setting up StubHub

Be sure to enter the username and password that works for the data portal link in the pop-up window.

The username and password is not the same as your regular username and password.

Setting up Ticket Evolution

Ticket Evolution order ids can come in two forms in your POS. Look for your recent invoices and determine what order id format your orders conform to.

For SkyBox, check the External Reference field

For Ticket Utils, check the POS Order # field

If your order id looks like: 2424242-5151515, then the default configuration is fine.

If your order id looks like: 5151515, then check the box next to "Use short TicketEvolution id when looking up sales"

Enabling / disabling a marketplace

Toggle the button for the corresponding marketplace you wish to enable / disable.

Last updated